Friday, 8 June 2012

ten really great reasons i haven't posted anything since my awkward sort-of welcome

Really Great Reason Number One: It's half term. 
For some people, half term means LOLZ LET'S JUST SHOP EVERYDAY BECAUSE YOLO!!! 
I'm not like them, I don't have a BlackBerry and that pretty much disqualifies you from doing anything "cool" in this city. (But "cool" is a very generic term used for underage clubbing and watching Zac Efron films.)

And no, I DON'T dress nicely every day. One day I roll out of bed and am struck by how comfortable my pyjamas feel so my outfit is pretty much just Day Pyjamas. Days when I do wear nice clothes, I forget entirely to take any pictures then at midnight I wake up feverishly after nightmares of angry non-followers coming to my door screaming for outfit posts.


Really Great Reason Number Two: Ditto. Only with the slight differentiation that we haven't gone anywhere this year because my Dad only got Monday and Tuesday off and my mum can't drive. 

Don't judge us, we're suburban.

And don't judge me for making a wisecrack at suburban families. If you can't mock your own kind then what have you got left? Eton? 

It's going to be tres rainy this weekend apparently so I'll get dressed properly and show you what I'm wearing, with the added pleasure of little details like my earrings and my shoes. By the way, if I call something "vintage", I've probably either forgotten where it's from or was given it by my mother. 

We're still friends, right?

Ciara xx

PS. The reason there's only two, um, reasons, is because they're all exactly the same except for 4 which would probably have been EVERY DAY I WANT TO CURL UP INTO A BALL AND DIE BECAUSE I LOOK TERRIBLE IN EVERYTHING EXCEPT BALACLAVAS. 

I'm Ciara. I'm prone to sudden fits of low self esteem issues and the occasional pop culture reference. Let's hang out sometime. 

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